2023年5月7日 星期日

Bargain hunter scores 700-year-old medieval times document




A bargain hunter who went to an estate sale in Maine to find a KitchenAid mixer, a bookshelf or vintage clothing walked away with a 700-year-old treasure.


Will Sideri stumbled upon a framed document hanging on a wall. It had elaborate script in Latin, along with musical notes and gold flourishes.


And it was a bargain at $75. Academics confirmed the parchment was from The Beauvais Missal, used in the Beauvais Cathedral in France, and dated to the late 13th century.


It was used about 700 years ago in Roman Catholic worship, they said. An expert on manuscripts said the document could be worth as much as $10,000.


It’s a treasure both because of its age and condition, which is far better than the other page in the Colby collection, said Megan Cook who teaches medieval literature at Colby.



score:動詞,取得;贏得。例句:Brain managed to score a couple of concert tickets.(布萊恩設法取得兩張演唱會門票。)

walk away with:動詞片語,輕易獲得。例句:Betty walked away the with a gold medal.(貝蒂輕鬆帶走一面金牌。)


