2023年9月9日 星期六

Police stop Nebraska man for bucking the law with a bull riding shotgun in his car




A car driving with a bull in it was pulled over by police in northeast Nebraska’s biggest city.


Don’t worry, he didn’t steer.


Norfolk Police Capt. Chad Reiman said it didn’t take long for officers to track down the modified Ford Crown Victoria sedan with a bull riding shotgun after a 911 call about it driving on the main highway entering the city of roughly 24,000 Wednesday morning.


The car that Lee Meyer has driven in parades across the area for years has half the windshield and roof removed to make room for his bull, named Howdy Doody, to ride along. A yellow metal cattle gate serves as the passenger side door — allowing for the Watusi bull to be tied up — and a set of longhorns serves as a hood ornament. (AP)



shotgun:名詞,獵槍、滑膛槍、霰彈槍、汽車副駕駛座。例句:Has anyone called shotgun?(已經有人說要坐副駕駛座了嗎?)

buck:名詞,指雄鹿、公羊、牡兔、羚羊、花花公子、紈褲子弟;動詞,指馬猛然彎背躍起、山羊等低頭撞去、強烈反抗、反對、車輛顛簸、傳遞。例句:We’d better buck the question on to him.(我們最好把這個問題交給他去解答。)


