2021年2月28日 星期日

Thousands of cold-stunned sea turtles being rescued in Texas


Thousands of cold-stunned sea turtles being rescued in Texas



Residents, some of whom lack heat or basic amenities in their own homes due to the unusually chilly weather, have been rescuing cold-stunned sea turtles and taking them to a convention center in a South Texas resort town.


"Every 15 minutes or less there’s another truck or SUV that pulls up," Ed Caum, executive director of the South Padre Island Convention and Visitors Bureau, told The Associated Press on Wednesday.


The South Padre Island Convention Center started pitching in Monday when its neighbor, Sea Turtle Inc., could no longer handle the number of sea turtles being dropped off.


He says they’ve "collected" more than 3,500 sea turtles so far. He said he hesitates to use the word rescued because "we know we’re going to lose some." (AP)



pull up:片語動詞,指停車、向上拉、拔起。例句:Pull up a chair!(快點過來坐!)

pitch in:片語動詞,指投入、參與、支援。例句:He pitched in with an offer of help.(他主動提議幫忙。)

drop off:片語動詞,指入睡、下降、放下車、人潮漸漸散去。例句:His friends had dropped off one by one.(他的朋友一一離他而去。)


Cartoon dog pitches COVID vaccines to skeptical Japanese public

Cartoon dog pitches COVID vaccines to skeptical Japanese public



As Japan gears up for a COVID-19 vaccination drive, a cartoon dog chatbot is doing its bit to reassure a vaccine-skeptical population and answer any questions they might have.


The dog, a Shiba-inu known as Corowa-kun from the Japanese words for "coronavirus" and "vaccine" wears a white doctor’s coat and the app named for him gives automated answers to medical questions.


Trust in vaccines in Japan is among the lowest in the world, a study by the Lancet medical journal showed. Only half the population want to take a COVID-19 vaccine, a poll by national broadcaster NHK found last month.REUTERS




do one’s bit:慣用語,做自己份內的事,盡自己的一份力。例句:We all have to do our bits to stop the spread of COVID-19.(我們所有人都必須在遏阻武漢肺炎傳播上盡一己之力。)

tsar:名詞,俄國沙皇;特任官員;(政商界)要人,也可拼成czartzar。例句:US former Secretary of State John Kerry made his first remarks as President Biden’s climate czar, lamenting the "wasted years" in fighting the crisis under Donald Trump.(美國前國務卿凱瑞首度以拜登總統的氣候特任官的身分發言,悲嘆在川普主政時浪費掉能用來對抗氣候危機的多年時間。)


2021年2月27日 星期六

UK thief who sold stolen penguins on Facebook sent to prison


UK thief who sold stolen penguins on Facebook sent to prison



Bradley Tomes, 25, was sentenced to 32 months in prison by Preston Crown Court for taking Humboldt penguins Pablo and Penny from South Lakes Safari Zoo in northwest England.


Prosecutors said Tomes broke into the zoo twice in 2018, stealing the penguins and numerous other birds including spoonbills, egrets and macaws.


It was exposed after an animal collector who bought the penguins for 9,000 pounds contacted a veterinarian because the animals were in poor health.


He also reported the incident to police, despite the pleas of Tomes, who offered to give his money back. When Tomes went to the buyer’s house with the refund, he was arrested by waiting police officers.AP



break into:慣用片語,強行闖入。例句:A thief broke into my flat and stole the laptop.(一名小偷闖入我的公寓竊走筆電。)

plea:名詞,懇求。例句:The family of the murderer made a plea of mercy to the family of the victims.(殺人犯家屬向被害者家屬懇求原諒。)

refund:名詞,退款。例句:He took the faulty laptop to the shop and asked for a refund.(他把瑕疵筆電帶去店裡要求退款。)


2021年2月24日 星期三

Florida blocks wealthy vaccine tourists after anger from elderly residents


Florida blocks wealthy vaccine tourists after anger from elderly residents



As millions of elderly Floridians scramble to register for a limited but growing supply of COVID-19 vaccines, state officials are clamping down on so-called vaccine tourism by limiting doses to only the state’s part- and full-time residents.


Shirley Hicks, 70, spent three weeks glued to her computer to find a dose for her husband Michael, 80, after Florida became one of the first states allowing vaccines for those aged 65 or older.


But with no residency requirements for vaccinations, Florida residents have watched as wealthy tourists have joined the rush for a jab. Reuters



block:動詞,攔阻,阻礙。例句:Your car is blocking the road.(你的車擋到路了。)

scramble:動詞,急忙、爭搶做某事。例句:People are scrambling to buy food and medicine.(大家在搶買糧食、醫藥。)

clamp down on something 片語,取締,禁止或限制。例句:The government is clamping down on drink-driving.(政府正在取締酒後駕車。)


Hungarian family sails around the globe in a 50-feet boat called ’Teatime’


Hungarian family sails around the globe in a 50-feet boat called ’Teatime’



While the world was grappling with the pandemic, a Hungarian family of four decided last summer to fulfil their dreamsailing around the globe in a 50-feet boat called "Teatime."


Domonkos Bosze and his wife Anna, who have been sailing for more than a decade, had planned the adventure long before the COVID-19 pandemic.


While the pandemic presented them with the dilemma of whether this was the right time to go, in the end their determination overruled all worries and risks.


They follow the changes in coronavirus rules in each country and take a test or go into quarantine as required.


Depending on COVID restrictions, they plan to sail on this year or next year towards the Pacific, and now they say their trip could last another 5-6 years, stopping for extended periods in the southern Pacific and on the Indian ocean.



fulfil:動詞,實現、執行。例句:Ryan fulfilled his ambition to become a baker.(萊恩實現了他成為麵包師傅的理想。)

present:動詞,展現、帶來(問題)。例句:The weather presented difficult conditions for our plans(天氣為我們的計畫帶來困難的狀況。)

overrule:動詞,否決、駁回。例句:The judge overruled my objection. (法官駁回了我的異議。)


2021年2月23日 星期二

Czech trainers teach dogs to sniff out Covid


Czech trainers teach dogs to sniff out Covid



In a dog training centre built inside a shipping container located in a Czech mountain village, Renda, Cap and Laky are being put to the test.

捷克山村一座貨櫃打造的犬隻訓練中心內,「倫達(Renda)」、「凱普(Cap)」和 「拉奇(Laky)」正接受考驗。

They sniff at six vessels, each containing a piece of cloth with scent from patients with Covid-19, negative donors, or fake samples.


The team of dog trainers are working in their own time and report a 95-percent success rate in Covid-19 detection in samples of human scent.


"The study is designed to verify dogs’ ability to detect Covid-19 and generate a method enabling the use of trained dogs in combatting the pandemic," project head Gustav Hotovy told AFP.


The samples used are obtained merely by rubbing a piece of cotton against the patient’s skin. The team then has to ensure the sample is virus-free to prevent the dogs from catching the disease.


Using the same sampling method, a Finnish team has been using dogs for testing at Helsinki airport, reporting its dogs can detect the virus with close to 100 percent accuracy.



Covid:名詞,冠狀病毒疾病,為Coronavirus Disease的縮寫。

put to the test:片語,使受試驗;使受考驗。例句:His courage was put to the test .(他的勇氣受到考驗。)

verify︰證實、核實。例句︰Subsequent events verified my suspicions.(接續發生的事件證實了我的懷疑。)


DP’s Park ahead in Seoul mayoral race

DP’s Park ahead in Seoul mayoral race

首爾市長補選 民主黨朴映宣支持率領先


Park Young-sun, one of the two ruling Democratic Party preliminary candidates, was ahead of all other Seoul mayoral hopefuls in poll results released by Realmeter on Wednesday.


In a survey of 1,016 Seoul citizens aged 18 and above, conducted by the pollster on Sunday and Monday, and commissioned by YTN and TBS, 38.9 percent said they would vote for Park against Ahn Cheol-soo, if the two were in a two-way race. Some 36.3 percent said they would vote for Ahn, a centrist tech entrepreneur-turned-politician who continues to enjoy support from those weary of the two major parties.


Asked to choose their favorite among all who have expressed intent to run, 26.2 percent of the respondents picked Park, while 19 percent chose Ahn, and 15.1 percent preferred Na Kyung-won of the People Power Party.



hopeful:形容詞,充滿(有)希望的。名詞,希望成功的人、有希望成功的人。例句:More than a hundred young hopefuls went to audition for a part in the new movie.(一百多名希望成名的年輕人,去參加那齣新電影一個角色的試鏡。)

entrepreneur:名詞,企業家、創業者。例句:He was one of the entrepreneurs who made their money in property.(他是靠房地產生意賺錢起家的企業家之一。)

weary:形容詞,使人厭倦的、疲倦(勞)的。動詞,使疲倦、感到厭煩。例句:She seems to weary of our company.(她似乎厭倦與我們交往。)