2020年9月28日 星期一

Fifty meters up and two apart - Belgium’s dinner-in-the-sky relaunches


Fifty meters up and two apart - Belgium’s dinner-in-the-sky relaunches



Belgians looking for a different culinary experience will once again be able to eat 50 metres above the ground as the dining-in-the-sky experience returns from COVID-19 lockdown with a new, socially distanced feel.


Belgium-based Dinner in the Sky, which has been set up in some 60 countries since its 2006 launch, involves diners strapped into seats at a table suspended from a crane while well-known chefs cook and serve from the centre.


Their original platform sat 22 people together along the perimeter, but in the COVID-19 era, up to 32 diners will now reserve four-person private tables spaced apart from. The chefs and servers also have a little more space to roam.


Dinner in the Sky offers three sittings - for lunch and two for dinner over the coming two weeks. The price is 295 euros per head or 150 euros for weekend afternoon cocktails.Reuters



strap:名詞,指帶子、皮條、鞭打;動詞,指捆綁、束住、抽打、拚命工作。例句:He is a bit strapped for cash.(他的現金不太夠。)

suspend:動詞,指中止、暫令停職或停學、懸掛。例句:He was suspended from school for fighting.(他因打架而被勒令停學。)

roam:名詞、動詞,指漫步、流浪。例句:She roamed around the world for a year.(她花了1年遊歷世界。)


In New York, making a life out of bottles and cans

In New York, making a life out of bottles and cans



When the Brooklyn clothing factory where she worked closed its doors, Josefa Marin started picking up cans and bottles from trash cans to make ends meet.


A decade later, the 50-year-old Mexican immigrant is handed hundreds of recyclables by bars and clubs and by concierges of private buildings. They even give her the keys to their trash rooms so she can take what she needs.


They are called "bottle professionals" by some redemption centers’ employees, and are described as people who know by heart each recycling and trash pick-up route and who take the job seriously thanks to a 1982 law in New York that allows consumers to return empty containers for five cents.AP



make ends meet:慣用片語,使收支平衡。例句:It is an achievement to make ends meet with a big family.(在大家庭中達成收支平衡,堪稱一項成就。)

concierge:名詞,門房;櫃檯人員。例句:Police officers disguise themselves as hotel concierges.(員警喬裝成飯店禮賓人員。)

redemption:名詞,贖回;買回。例句:I paid a lot of money for the redemption of the jewelry.(我花了一大筆錢贖回珠寶。)


Lego is spending £310m to transform its bricks


Lego is spending £310m to transform its bricks

樂高耗資3.1億歐元 改變它的積木


The Danish toymaker is investing £310m in efforts to create its colourful bricks using sustainable materials, but its quest to find an alternative to oil-based plastic has been quite difficult so far.


For five years, a team of more than 150 engineers and scientists have been testing many different plant-based and recycled materials - but making sure the bricks can stick together while coming apart easily has been a challenge.


Lego executive Tim Brooks said the company has been testing how to use bio-polyethylene, a type of plastic made from ethanol that’s produced using sugarcane, for its hard bricks.


Lego has also announced that it’s going to ditch plastic bags in its boxed sets, which are currently used to hold loose bricks.



sustainable:形容詞,永續、長期維持。例句:Solar energy is a kind of sustainable energy.(太陽能是一種永續能源。)

stick:動詞,黏住、固定住。例句:You can stick the poster on the board with some glue.(你可以用膠水將這張海報黏在板子上。)

ditch:動詞,拋棄、甩掉(伴侶)。例句:Anna ditched her boyfriend last month.(安娜上個月把她的男友甩了。)


More than half of young Americans live with parents

More than half of young Americans live with parents



Just over half of young adult Americans live with their parents, an unprecedented proportion that is doubtless linked to the coronavirus but also reflects a deeper trend, researchers said Friday.


Between February and May, the share of 18-29 year-olds living with at least one parent rose from 47 percent to 52 percent and stayed at that level through July.


The rise was most marked among 18-24 year-olds, with 71 percent of them living with their parents in July, up from 63 percent in February.


Among ethnic groups, the breakdown showed that the trend was strongest inside the Hispanic community.


Even though the increase was pushed by the pandemic as young adults struggled to get by, it is part of a longer-term pattern, Pew says. AFP



marked:形容詞,明顯的。例句:He returned to work after a marked improvement in health.(他健康情況顯著好轉後恢復了工作。)

breakdown:名詞,細目,分類。例句:They asked for a breakdown of our sales figures.(他們要求我們的銷售數據細目。)

get by:片語,勉強維持生活或應付某種情況。例句:She has managed to get by so far.(她到目前為止還撐得下去。)


Samsung, SK have fingers crossed over US gov’t Huawei approval

Samsung, SK have fingers crossed over US gov’t Huawei approval



U.S. tech giants Intel and Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) received the green light from the U.S. government to supply Huawei with certain products, raising hopes for Samsung Electronics and SK hynix to be given the same opportunity.


Samsung Electronics and SK hynix have submitted their requests and are waiting for the U.S. government’s approval. If the U.S. government rejects their requests, it will lead to severe losses for the two Korean tech giants.


"The story for Samsung and SK could be different from Intel and AMD as they are U.S. companies and develop processors and CPUs for PCs, which are seen as less of a security risk," an industry official familiar with the matter said. "However, Samsung and SK supply Huawei with mobile components, a sector which the U.S. sees as a major security risk from the Chinese firm."



cross one’s fingers:片語,祈求(禱)、禱告某事發生(成功)。例句:We’re keeping our fingers crossed that the weather stays nice.(我們繼續祈禱天氣保持良好。)

green light:片語,交通號誌中的綠燈、准許、許可、放行。例句:If we can’t do this movie for $1 million dollars, the studio is not going to give the green light to it.(若我們無法將這部電影的成本控制在100萬美元,電影公司不會同意開拍。)

a different story:片語,情況就不一樣了、另一番景象(境遇)。例句:His life will be a different story if he failed to graduate in the university.(若他當時大學沒畢業,他的生活將是另一番境遇。)


Woman Finds Out Succulent She Watered For 2 Years is Fake

Woman Finds Out Succulent She Watered For 2 Years is Fake



Experts say having a plant inside your home can go a long way toward brightening your space and lifting your mood, productivity and concentration.


In a Facebook post that’s gone viral, Caelie Wilkes, 24, a stay-at-home mom, shared a photo of a succulent she’d kept in her home over the last two years, and how she was only now, realizing it was a fake.


"I’ve had this beautiful succulent for about 2 years now. I was so proud of this plant. It was full, beautiful coloring, just an over all perfect plant," Wilkes wrote, adding that she discovered the plant was an impostor after she decided to transplant it into a new container.


"I put so much love into this plant! I washed its leaves. Tried my hardest to keep it looking it’s best, and it’s completely plastic!" Wilkes wrote.



go a long way towards doing something:慣用語,對很有幫助。例句:In almost all kinds of relationships, the words "I’m sorry" can go a long way toward mending whatever is wrong.(在幾乎所有類型的關係中,「對不起」有助於修補任何錯誤。)


try one’s best/hardest:慣用語,竭盡全力,全力以赴。例句:Scrubbing your hands raw and trying your hardest to keep from touching your face is something way harder than it seems.(狠狠刷洗雙手與盡量避免摸臉,其實還滿難做到。)

2020年9月25日 星期五

Belgian city finds its former mayor’s heart in a fountain

Belgian city finds its former mayor’s heart in a fountain



For years it was just an urban myth. Then the diggers moved in and found it was true - that the heart of a former mayor of the eastern Belgian city of Verviers really was buried under a fountain.


A small metal box, containing Pierre David’s heart in an ethanol-filled jar, was uncovered during renovation work on the city’s ornate stone fountain last month.


The relic is mentioned in civic documents, but until it was found "no one really believed it," Verviers city councillor Maxime Degey told Reuters.


David, the city’s first mayor after Belgium became an independent country, was still in office when he died in 1839 after falling from a building.


Authorities built a fountain in his honour and, with his family’s permission, placed his heart under a stone in the monument in 1883.


The box is on display at the Verviers Museum of Fine Arts and Ceramics. It will be returned to the Fontaine David in the city’s Place Verte once the renovation is complete.Reuters



relic:名詞,指遺物、遺跡、遺風、遺俗、聖骨、聖物。例句:The system is a relic of the 1960s.(這項制度是1960年代遺留的產物。)

in one’s honour:片語,指為紀念、為慶祝、表示敬意。例句:The event was named in his honor.(這起事件以他命名。)

display:動詞,指佈置、陳列、表露、顯示;名詞,指陳列品、展覽、表演、流露。例句:There’s never much display of affection between us.(我們之間從未多表愛慕之情。)