2020年6月30日 星期二

台灣木工機械智慧化! 外銷優勢衝上全球第四

台灣木工機械智慧化! 外銷優勢衝上全球第四 上下游供鏈群聚 臺中山城木業轉型再升級非凡新聞│20190717

全台首次木材削薄賽 鉋花比紙片還薄-民視新聞

全台首次木材削薄賽 鉋花比紙片還薄-民視新聞

An 8-Year-Old Acrobat Pianist on Ellen Degeneres

An 8-Year-Old Acrobat Pianist on Ellen Degeneres
Piano backwards and upside down



夏日紅寶石! 芒果4大地雷勿踩

夏日紅寶石! 芒果4大地雷勿踩

Easy Origami Paper shirt and tie

Easy Origami Paper shirt and tie - How to Make Paper shirt and tie Step by Step

No screaming, please:Japan amusement parks issue new Covid-19 guidelines

No screaming, pleaseJapan amusement parks issue new Covid-19 guidelines
Thrill seekers in Japan will soon get to enjoy their favorite roller coasters again now that amusement parks around the country are reopening.
But there’s one request they might struggle withNo screaming.
With Japan lifting the state of emergency this week, a group of major theme park operators has introduced a set of guidelines on how to ensure the safety of both guests and staff in the face of Covid-19.
Some items will likely take visitors by surprise. Namely, a suggestion that theme parks encourage visitors riding outdoor attractions, including roller coasters, to avoid shouting or cheering a tough ask, given how wild some of the country’s rides are.
The guidelines also say that if it’s difficult for some employees to wear masks due to the nature of their work for example entertainers, such as haunted house staff they should keep at least one meter away from visitors.
thrill:名詞,激動;引起激動的事物。例句:The news sent a thrill of joy to my heart.(這消息使我感到一陣喜悅。)
now that:片語,既然; 因為;而今。例句:Now that you have come, you may as well stay for a few days. (既然來了,你就不妨住幾天。)
take by surprise:片語,使吃驚。例句:The question took him by surprise. (他沒想到人家會問這個問題。)

2020年6月28日 星期日





老婆愛碎碎念 "另一半"容易早死

老婆愛碎碎念 "另一半"容易早死

省錢* 8招省電 小妙招,你不能不知喔 ....

*省錢* 8招省電 小妙招,你不能不知喔 ....

Churchill Arms

Churchill Arms
【摘要2020.6.28.蘋果】The Churchill Arms is one of the most iconic pubs in London. Visitors can find it easily thanks to its exterior which is almost completely covered in flowers most days of the year. The pub spends over NT$900,000 on flower displays for the business every year.
The original name of the pub was the Bedford Arms, and people claim it opened way back in 1750. The owners began calling it the Churchill Arms after World War II in honor of former Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Inside, the pub is filled with lots of interesting decorations and photos of the former prime minister.
酒吧最初的名字叫做貝德福酒吧,人們聲稱它早在 1750 年就開始營業。第二次世界大戰後,酒吧老闆為了紀念前首相溫斯頓邱吉爾而開始稱其為邱吉爾酒吧。酒吧裡頭也點綴著許多有趣的裝飾品及前首相的各種照片。
arms n.(英式用法)小酒館
iconic a. 代表性的,指標性的
One of the most iconic landmarks in the world is the Eiffel Tower.
exterior n. 外部,外觀
The exterior of the house needs painting.

Exports of ramyeon, kimchi jump amid pandemic
疫情期間 韓泡麵、泡菜出口大增
In the January-May period, exports of ramyeon and kimchi jumped 36 percent and 37 percent on-year, respectively, to $249 million and $162 million, according to the Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation.
Higher demand for ramyeon was also helped by the global popularity of Chapaguri, a signature noodle dish from the Oscar-winning film "Parasite."
Sales of the two food items have been on the rise as more people opt to stay home and order food online amid virus fears, it said.
signature:名詞,特徵、識別標誌、代表性(招牌)、簽名(署)、畫押。These are signature Taiwanese snacks.(這些是代表性的台灣小吃。)
on the rise:片語,在上升、在增加(長)。Police say teenager crime is on the rise.(警方說青少年犯罪增加。)
opt:動詞,選擇、挑選。Most people opt to have the operation.(大多數人選擇動手術。)

Japanese baseball fan enters empty stadium via robot

Japanese baseball fan enters empty stadium via robot
One lucky baseball fan was taken inside the otherwise empty Tokyo Dome for Yomiuri Giants’ win on Tuesday via a monitor mounted on a robot she controlled from home.
Nippon Professional Baseball teams have begun their season without fans in stadia due to restrictions implemented to slow the spread of COVID-19, yet 14-year-old Futaba Tsuchiya was given special access via the monitor.
Tsuchiya also interviewed two Giants players and spoke to cheerleaders as she toured the 55,000 capacity Tokyo Dome.
Giants, Japan’s most popular and successful team, are giving one fan the chance to interact with the players in this way during every home game, but only if they win.
Fortunately for the Giants and Tsuchiya, they edged Hiroshima Carp 3-2 to make it four wins from four since the delayed start of the season on Friday. Reuters
otherwise 連接詞,指否則、不然;副詞,以另外的方式、除此之外。例句:He might have told you he was a professor, but the truth is quite otherwise.(他或許曾向你自稱是個教授,實情可完全不是那回事。)
mount:動詞,指增加、騎上、登上、組織、發動、舉行、安裝、設置崗哨、擔任警衛;名詞,指馬、底板、框、山。例句:Queen Elizabeth II mounted the throne in 1952.(女王伊麗莎白二世1952年即位。)
edge:名詞,指邊緣、刀口、優勢、憤怒的語氣;動詞,指徐徐移動、緩慢發展。例句:He seems a bit on edge.(他似乎有點心神不寧。)

【摘要2020.6.27.蘋果】Since Airbnb started in 2008, “home-hotels” have expanded quickly throughout the world. Homeowners, or “hosts,” can make money through temporary guest visits rather than signing a longterm contract with tenants.
Guests get a one-of-a-kind experience, with a local host to answer any questions. Recently, the Airbnb trend has led to a rise in the number of pop-up hotels, which aim to provide a five-star overnight experience for customers.
自從 Airbnb 2008 年發跡以來,「家庭旅店」在全世界迅速擴展。屋主,或稱「民宿主人」,可以透過短暫停留的旅客來獲取收益,而不是跟房客簽下長期租約。
訪客可以得到獨一無二的體驗,由在地的民宿主人解答任何疑問。近來,Airbnb 的風潮也帶動了快閃旅店的數量增加,這些旅店旨在提供顧客五星級的住宿體驗。
temporary a. 短暫的,暫時的
one-of-a-kind a. 獨一無二的(置於名詞前)
aim to V   ⋯⋯為目的
That hotel aims to offer the best service in the city.

聰明領取 善用優惠 爽用振興三倍券!

What a wonderful world - Louis Armstrong - alto sax - free score
振興三倍券分為紙本券、信用卡、電子票證及行動支付4種領取方式,民眾可以造訪官網頁面,詳細查看綁定、預訂申請管道、領取資格及常見問題等資訊,再依據自己的使用習慣,選擇紙本三倍券或是數位三倍券。從7 1 日起,民眾就可透過官網預訂紙本或綁定數位,增加領取與使用的多元便利性。
選擇數位三倍券,7 1 日起到數位支付業者官網上完成綁定,715日到1231日止期間內,消費滿3000元就回饋2000元!考慮使用數位工具的民眾,建議事先在官網一覽各家支付平臺或銀行祭出的優惠加碼好康,選擇對於自己最有利的方案。
電子票證的部分,悠遊卡、icash2.0 (愛金卡電子票證記名卡)、有錢卡與一卡通也獻上各項優惠,例如持綁定之有錢卡累積消費滿3,000元,有錢卡加碼回饋100元;悠遊卡推出滿額回饋,達成振興條件享100元儲值金,限量170,000名。
行動支付業者優惠,方案一覽表整理如圖,各家業者加碼優惠方案將陸續更新,最新資訊可上振興三倍券官網(https://3000.gov.tw/ )查詢,以各業者公告為準。